Three poachers were arrested in Dhori Manna region in this district along with a killed Chinkara and two hides, police said here today. The poachers were nabbed during a routine highway checking and the killed animal-which was enlisted in the category of endangered species, was recovered from their vehicle alongwith two dried up hides. The accused have admitted their indulgence in poaching, the police said adding that a case under the Wildlife Protection Act has been lodged against them.
उल्लेखनयी है कि यहां पर अक्सर चिंकारा को मार कर उसकी खाल को निकाल कर बेचा जाता है। जिस पर रोक लगाने के लिए प्रशासन ने अभियान चला रखा हैं। इसी अभियान की तहत ही गिरफ्तारी की गई है।
Thank You So Much Sunil Aapne Bishnoi Bandhu Ko Ish Mamle Me kade kadam Uthane Chahiye